Stuart Morrison: Managing Type 1 Diabetes With CrossFit

Hard-living Stuart Morrison thought he might have diabetes, and he actually used to joke about it. But his life took a serious turn when he started showing symptoms of the disease, and Morrison knew he needed to break the endless cycle of partying he had fallen into. He wasn’t sure how until he found ULT CrossFit in Ayrshire, U.K.

5.21.16 WOD for a Cause

Don't forget our WOD for a Cause tomorrow benefitting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation!  

Don't forget our WOD for a Cause tomorrow benefitting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation!  



OH Squats 5x10 @ 60-65% 1RM with narrowest grip possible (up to clean grip)



6 min AMRAP

4 Power Cleans @ 135/95

7 Burpees

14 Wallballs @ 20/14

WOD For A Cause

Next Saturday - May 21st @ 9am for our Daily WOD we are excited to participate in CrossFit SkyFall's "WOD For A Cause" benefitting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation!

This event is being organized by friends of OVC Robert and Kayla Kramer who recently had their 2 year old daughter Presley diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  

Millions of people around the world live with type 1 diabetes (T1D), a life-threatening autoimmune disease that strikes both children and adults. There is no way to prevent it, and at present, no cure. JDRF works every day to change this by amassing grassroots support, deep scientific knowledge and strong industry and academic partnerships to fund research.

We will be accepting donations with all proceeds going directly to JDRF to fund research for Type 1 Diabetes.  We hope you can make it to help support #teampresleybear!